網上傳來一個視頻, 是 Bread 的名曲之一 Aubrey, 主唱者是 Bread 的靈魂人物 David Gates.
以女孩子的名字為歌名的流行曲, 實在多不勝數,
很多時都會只是「左耳入、右耳出」, 聽過就 算, 不會令人留下甚麼印象, 那就真的是「流行一時」的歌曲而已。當然亦有不少例外,
不但令 人記得, 而且經常有人提起、尋找、「翻聽翻唱」的, 那就是所謂「金曲」與「流行曲」的分 別吧。
令我印象最深刻的以女孩子的名字為歌名的, 包括去年提過的
Rose、最俏皮的是 Paul Anka 的 Diana、最活潑的是 Johnny Tillotson 的 Judy Judy
Judy、最狂放的是 Tom Jones 的 Delilah、最「長氣」的是 Beetles 的 Hey Jude、歌詞最簡單的是 Bee Gees 的 Melody Fair、 最情深款款的是 Barry Manilow 的 Mandy、如果真得要說最幽怨迷離的、可能是張學友的 「李香蘭」、而最優美的, 就是
Bread 的 Aubrey 了。
最初接觸到這首歌, 是在七十年代時,
在香港電台下午的流行曲節目中, 已故的陳任, 很喜歡叫 他們做「麪飽樂隊」, 亦經常播放「麪飽樂隊」的歌, 播得最多的, 就是〈If〉及〈Aubrey〉。
是 Bread 在1972年的錄音,
由 Bread 的主音歌手 David Gates 作曲、填詞、主唱、及 監製, 據說靈感是來自他看過 Audrey
Hepburn (柯德莉夏萍) 在六十年代初期所主演的電影
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (香港譯作「珠光寶氣」) 之後, 對她的印象極為深刻,
就以一個相近的名 字 Aubrey, 寫了這首歌, 被認為是 Bread 的所有歌曲之中, 旋律最優美的一首,
但卻帶著淡淡的 憂鬱、哀愁。歌中的女孩子 Aubrey, 如夢如幻、似曾相識、但卻又從未見過面的,
就像是在看 電影時, 見到銀幕上的 Audrey
Hepburn, 可望而不可即。
推出 Aubery 不夠一年, 已被十多位當年「當時得令」的流行歌手所翻唱。此曲最大的 特點, 是全由
David Gates 獨唱, 完全沒有人聲和唱, 只有弦樂輕輕的在背景伴奏, 間中配以結 他作節奏, 更有趣的, 是完全沒有敲擊樂, 是流行曲中極罕有的編排。中間那一小段的「過門」,
尤其動聽, 令全曲生色不少。
And Aubrey was her name,
A not so very ordinary girl or name.
But who's to blame?
For a love that wouldn't bloom
For the hearts that never played in tune.
Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing,
Take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a thing.
And Aubrey was her name.
We tripped the light and danced together to the moon,
But where was June.
No it never came around.
If it did it never made a sound,
Maybe I was absent or was listening to fast,
Catching all the words, but then the meaning going past,
But God I miss the girl,
And I'd go a thousand times around the world just to be
Closer to her than to me.
And Aubrey was her name,
I never knew her, but I loved her just the same,
I loved her name.
Wish that I had found the way
And the reasons that would make her stay.
I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest.
If I can't have the one I want, I'll do without the best.
But how I miss the girl
And I'd go a million times around the world just to say
She had been mine for a day.
A not so very ordinary girl or name.
But who's to blame?
For a love that wouldn't bloom
For the hearts that never played in tune.
Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing,
Take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a thing.
And Aubrey was her name.
We tripped the light and danced together to the moon,
But where was June.
No it never came around.
If it did it never made a sound,
Maybe I was absent or was listening to fast,
Catching all the words, but then the meaning going past,
But God I miss the girl,
And I'd go a thousand times around the world just to be
Closer to her than to me.
And Aubrey was her name,
I never knew her, but I loved her just the same,
I loved her name.
Wish that I had found the way
And the reasons that would make her stay.
I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest.
If I can't have the one I want, I'll do without the best.
But how I miss the girl
And I'd go a million times around the world just to say
She had been mine for a day.