網上傳來一首久違了的歌, 是 Engelbert
Humperdinck 的 Free As The Wind。那是一部電影的
插曲, 該部電影大有來頭。
當然是電影的黃金檔期, 但卻被三部「大片」蓋過一切, 那就是此曲出自 的 Papillon (香港譯作「巴比龍」)
、The Sting (「老千計狀元才」) 、及至今為止, 為列為「恐 怖片王」的
Exorcist (「驅魔人」) 。
是一部講述逃獄的電影, 被認為是主角 Steve McQueen 演出最好的電影, 他曾就 此電影被提名為 Oscar 最佳男主角, 負責為電影作曲的
Jerry Goldsmith, 亦被提名為最佳原 創音樂獎。奇怪的是, 該電影在當年全球的票房紀錄中,
佔第二位, 僅輸給第一位的 The Sting 「一個馬鼻」, 而且當年主唱的 Engelbert Humperdinck,
亦是炙手可熱, 無耐此曲未能在流行 榜中升得比較高的位置, 在電影的熱潮過後, 亦少有人提起此曲。不過, 擅唱抒情歌曲的 Andy Williams, 亦有灌錄過此曲。
As The Wind 歌詞:
world is a dreamLike a river that runs through my mind
Made of fields and the white pebble stream
That I knew as a child
Butterfly wings in the sun
Taught me all that I needed to see
For they sang, sang to my heart
"Oh look at me, oh look at me"
"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"
Love was the dream of my life
And I gave it the best I know how
So it always brings tears to my eyes
When I think of it now
Gone like the butterfly days
And the boy that I once used to be
But my heart still hears a voice
Tellin' me "look, look and you'll see"
"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"
There's no regret that I feel
For the bittersweet taste of it all
If you love, there's a chance you may fly
If you fall, well you fall
Rather the butterfly's life
To have lived for a day and been free
For my heart still hears that voice
Tellin' me "look and you'll see"
"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"
"Free as the wind, free as the wind"
"That is the way you should be"
Humperdinck - Free as the Wind (with Lyrics)